Tuesday 5 October 2010

Last of the Summer Veg

The cherry tomatoes are just about finished. Had a great crop this year from the 'Gardener's Delight' plants grown under glass and 'Tumbling Toms' grown outside in hanging baskets. I prefer the cherry tomatoes as they taste so sweet.
In the veg patch there are still some runner beans left to harvest. I have tried a few varieties but always seem to come back to my old favourite 'Scarlet Emperor'. This variety has long straight pods and is a reliable heavy cropper.
There was a problem early on in the season when the young plants came under attack from blackfly. I tried planting some dahlias and marigolds close by to attract hoverflies which then feed on the blackfly. Luckily this was successful as I refuse to use any nasty chemicals in my veg patch. Although the plants went in a bit later than usual this year, they soon caught up and produced a good crop. I like to leave some pods on the plant to set seed at the end of the season. The beans from these can be saved to sow next year.
Runner beans are an excellent vegetable to grow. If space is limited, grow them up canes arranged in a wigwam shape. There are dwarf bean varieties which can be grown in pots. You don't need a dedicated vegetable garden to grow veg - grow them in the flower borders or in pots on the patio. Nothing can compare to eating your own veg fresh from the garden.

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