Wednesday 1 December 2010

R.I.P. My Lilac Tree

Another 12 inches of snow has fallen and the weight of it has brought down the lilac tree in my front garden. This was a beautiful tree in spring, covered in pale blue highly scented flowers. I underplanted it with a golden leaved variety of Mexican Orange Blossom (Choisya Ternata 'Sundance') which also flowers in spring and has a lovely scent.
My late mother gave me this lilac as a cutting and I have watched it grow over the years and each year it seemed to flower better than the last. It is so sad to see it in such a sorry state. I will have to wait until the snow has gone to see what I can salvage. Lilac is easy to propagate as it produces suckers from the base so I will hopefully be able to grow another lovely tree from what remains of this one.

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