Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Winter Veg Patch

This year I have planted curly kale and leeks to see me through the winter months. Both are very easy to grow. Seeds can be planted directly into the soil in May or planted into trays in the greenhouse and transplanted into the veg patch in June or July. As I am lucky enough to have a greenhouse, I sow my seeds under glass and plant them out in early summer.
Leeks are tough, hardy plants which will survive a hard frost and therefore make a good winter vegetable. Plant in rows 12 inches apart with the plants spaced at 9 inch intervals. Curly kale always tastes best after a good frost. Pick the young leaves at the top of the plant. These plants just seem to keep on growing giving a lovely supply of fresh greens throughout the winter. Curly kale should be planted in rows 12 inches apart with the plants spaced similar to leeks. Plant your winter veg near the path so you can easily access them in bad weather.

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