Saturday 27 November 2010

A Wintry Scene

Woke up this morning to find about 4 inches of snow had fallen overnight. The garden looks magical under a carpet of snow.
Luckily I had managed to rake up the last of the leaves from the lawn, tidy the borders and sweep the paths before the snow fell. The prunings from the borders and the leaves were piled onto the compost heap. Plants in pots which are not fully hardy have been moved into the greenhouse and the cloche.
Extra seeds and fatballs have been put out for the birds and the snow has been cleared from the driveway. Now I can curl up in front of the fire with a steaming mug of hot chocolate and read my gardening magazines with a view to planning a new seating and barbecue area for next summer.
If more snow falls tonight I will have to go out tomorrow and shake it off the shrubs and conifers which could be damaged by the weight.

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