Wednesday 18 May 2011

Herbs in Pots

Growing fresh herbs for culinary use is a very satisfying part of gardening. My herbs are grown in individual pots rather than in the main borders. One advantage of this is being able to move the pots into a frost free greenhouse in winter if I want to grow less hardy varieties. The pots can also be placed close to the house so the herbs are handy for the kitchen. At the moment I am growing Mint, Oregano, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Golden Marjoram and Chives in 12 inch pots, with Rosemary, Sage and Hyssop planted in larger containers. All of the above are perennial and hardy. It is worth growing some of the annual herbs as well if you use them regularly.

Last year I visited a herb garden close to where I live. They have a wonderful selection of herbs for sale and I bought a hyssop which has aniseed flavoured leaves. It also has beautiful purple/blue flowers. Planted in a large tub on the patio it is very attractive when in flower with very tasty leaves which I like to chew while pottering around the garden.
Even if you don't use herbs in your cooking they are still worth growing for their scented foliage and often pretty flowers. Some are used in pot pourri and others have medicinal qualities. For anyone interested in herbs and their uses I would recommend reading Culpeper's Complete Herbal & English Physician, a beautifully illustrated book which gives a fascinating insight into the properties and uses of herbs.

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