Friday 15 July 2011

Harvesting the first Potatoes

. The veg patch is looking good at the moment. The runner beans have their beautiful scarlet flowers and have not been too troubled with blackfly this year. The beetroot is looking healthy and I have just planted twenty winter leeks and ten curly kale plants. Hopefully these will give me some lovely fresh veg this winter provided we do not get such severe weather as last winter. The last of the strawberries have been picked and eaten and I have now turned my attention to the potato crop. Today I lifted the first of my new potatoes. I have been a bit concerned about them as the weather has been so dry, but the first two haulms have been lifted and they look like they have produced a reasonable crop. I will be cooking the first of these potatoes for lunch tomorrow and intend to serve them with a chicken casserole and some sweetheart cabbage. Mmmm - can't wait!

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