Saturday 21 December 2013

Sarcococcus confusa (Christmas Box)

Sarcococcus confusa, also called Sweet Box or Christmas Box because of the small but fragrant white flowers produced around this time of year, is an evergreen shrub suitable for container planting as it only grows to a maximum of 6ft tall with a spread of 3ft.
The rather insignificant flowers of this dense evergreen shrub produce a wonderful winter fragrance so plant it near to the house, preferably in a spot sheltered from drying cold winds. The leaves are small, oval and a glossy dark green. The clusters of fragrant white flowers produced in midwinter are followed by small glossy black berries.
A hardy plant which prefers a shaded or semi shaded spot, it likes a moist but well drained, fertile, humus-rich soil but will tolerate atmospheric pollution and a little neglect.
Earlier this year I bought a small specimen which I have planted in a pot and placed against a low wall near to the log store. This should be a good place to appreciate the winter fragrance whilst collecting wood for the fire. 

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