Saturday 19 March 2011

Cold Weather Casualties

There have been a few casualties of the extremely cold weather this year. The main loss is my evergreen Hebe shrub which had masses of white flowers throughout the summer, often flowering again during autumn and even into winter if the weather remained mild. I'm not sure of the exact variety of this Hebe as it was given to me by a friend many years ago. It is a shame to lose this shrub as it attracted lots of bees but I have decided to replace it with a couple of white flowered floribunda roses. I already have two 'Iceberg' floribunda roses in the front garden but, as they have never seemed to really thrive there, I will be moving them to the rear garden in place of the Hebe.
Other evergreen plants, such as the variegated Euonymous shrub, Holly bush and the Bay Tree, have also suffered with their outer leaves turning brown. At least they have survived and, with a bit of careful pruning, should recover their good looks. 

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