Saturday 19 March 2011

New Season Veg Patch

The last of the Leeks have now been lifted and the veg patch is being dug over ready for the new planting season. The first crop to go in this week will be the 'first early' potatoes. The variety I am growing this year is Arran Pilot which I have grown before. It is a good tasty potato which stores well.
Once the potatoes have been planted I will set up the bamboo canes in a wigwam formation ready for the runner beans. These will not be planted for at least a couple of months until the risk of frost is past. I like to mark out the areas where different crops are to be sown. Each year the type of crop is rotated to a different part of the veg patch to minimise the risk of disease building up in the soil. This method seems to be working well.
Lots of home made garden compost is dug into the veg patch each year to replenish the nutrients in the soil and this has resulted in a great improvement to the quality of the soil. I don't use any artificial fertilizers or any chemicals on my food crops. All my home grown veg is grown organically.

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