Monday 30 April 2012

Dicentra Spectabilis (Bleeding Heart)

This attractive plant was introduced into Britain in 1816 from Siberia and Japan. It is a graceful hardy perennial with arching sprays of heart shaped flowers and pretty fern-like foliage. It grows to about 30 inches in height, the rose red flowers with protruding white inner petals being borne between April and June.
This is a beautiful plant for a shady border or a woodland garden. It prefers a moist, fertile, humus rich soil in partial shade but will tolerate full sun. There is a white flowered version called 'Alba' which flowers at the same time and requires the same planting conditions.
Plants can be propagated by dividing and replanting the roots between October and March.
I have a large red flowered specimen which I planted many years ago. It dies back to ground level every autumn and reappears every spring. It has survived some really severe winters (although it is planted in a fairly sheltered spot) and the flowers are as spectacular now as they were when the plant was young. Another good thing about this plant is that it does not seem to be attractive to slugs. It is one of my favourite plants, I just wish the flowers lasted longer.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Shrubs with Golden Foliage

Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'
Choisya ternata 'Sundance'
Spirea 'Anthony Waterer - Goldflame'

Foliage is just as important in the garden as flowers. It provides a backdrop to the flowering plants and the shape and colour of the foliage itself can compliment most planting schemes, providing interest when flowers have faded. Shrubs can be used to provide height and structure to the garden and there is a huge choice out there. Golden leaved varieties will brighten up any garden. If you are looking through the plant catalogues, cultivars called 'Aurea' or 'Aureum' are a good indication that the foliage is golden.

Choisya ternata 'Sundance' is a golden leaved variety of the evergreen mexican orange blossom shrub. This is a lovely shrub, its leaves providing a welcome splash of colour in the winter months. Exposure to cold winds and frosts can brown the leaves somewhat, so a sheltered position is preferred. It has a rather sprawling habit but can be pruned lightly to keep in check. The beautifully scented flowers which appear in May are a bonus and are one reason I am careful not to prune back too hard in case I lose them.
A much smaller shrub grown mainly for its leaf colour is Spirea Anthony Waterer 'Goldflame'. The leaves are a lovely coppery yellow colour when young but turn green with age. This shrub only grows to about 3 feet in height and is perfect for the front of the border as it can be pruned back hard in early spring. it will then throw up young shoots, each crowned with a broad flat panicle of crimson flowers. The red/gold colour of the leaves will last for most of the season.
Another good golden leaved shrub for a small garden is Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'. A rounded deciduous shrub with brilliant yellow foliage, most pronounced in Spring, it is slow growing and should not exceed 5 feet in height and spread. I planted mine as a very small shrub about 7 years ago and it is still only 3 feet height and spread.